Most drivers and passengers know that they are at risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident when that is their chosen mode of transportation. Though there are certain actions that drivers can take to reduce their chances of being involved in a car crash, there are also actions that can increase their chances, such as failing to obey the speed limit. In fact, law enforcement officers believe that a recent incident in Florida was the result of a driver who was speeding.
The incident happened in the afternoon hours of a day in early September. According to reports, a 19-year-old male was headed south on a Florida road. Police claim that the vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control.
Reports indicate that the vehicle then flipped multiple times before it struck a tree and a pole. The driver was transported to the hospital. Unfortunately, a 19-year-old male passenger in the vehicle died at the scene.
The driver has since been arrested as a result of the car crash and is facing a charge of vehicular homicide. Meanwhile, the family of the deceased young man is left to come to terms with the unexpected and preventable loss of their loved one. Families suffering such a loss in Florida sometimes struggle with the financial implications of their loss. As such, some may choose the file a wrongful death lawsuit against the person suspected of causing the accident. While they likely will not feel any less grief if their lawsuit is successful, they may have less stress in their period of bereavement knowing that their financial needs are met.