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Condo resale certificates: What you need to know as a seller

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2024 | REAL ESTATE LAW - Condominiums & Cooperatives |

As you prepare to let go of your condo unit, it is crucial to know that you have a duty to provide potential buyers with a clear understanding of the property. This includes disclosing every information related to the unit that you are selling. However, one critical document that you might miss is the resale certificate. This document plays a vital role in the selling process, and its importance cannot be overstated.

What is a condo resale certificate?

A condo resale certificate is a document you can request from the condo association. It discloses vital information about the building and the unit itself. It typically includes:

  • Financial information: The association’s budget, reserve funds and any outstanding debts or fees.
  • Governance documents: The condo’s bylaws, rules and regulations.
  • Litigation and disputes: Any ongoing or pending lawsuits involving the association.
  • Repairs and maintenance: Known issues or upcoming projects that may impact the unit or building.
  • Insurance coverage: The type and extent of insurance coverage for the building and units.

A condo resale certificate is essential for several reasons. It provides transparency, helps with risk management and offers legal protection. By disclosing this information, you can avoid legal disputes and ensure a smooth transaction.

What sellers need to know

As a seller, it is crucial to understand your responsibilities related to condo resale certificates:

  • Request the certificate from the condo association and review it carefully.
  • Ensure that the certificate accurately reflects any known issues or concerns.
  • Provide the certificate to potential buyers in a timely manner.
  • If changes occur, update the certificate and provide the revised version to buyers.

It is important to remember that a condo resale certificate is a critical document, and it can impact the sale of your condo unit.

Selling a condo unit can be complex and it requires familiarity with real estate laws. If you are new to the process, it would be beneficial to seek guidance from an experienced real estate attorney. They can guide you through the resale process, helping you achieve a stress-free condo sale.


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